Bottlebrush (Callistemon) – The Complete Guide

Three times a year the bottlebrush trumps with furious spike flowers in bright scarlet, which from a distance resemble a bottle brush.

The tropical bottlebrush (Callistemon) has long since won a permanent place in our gardeners’ hearts as a spectacular ornamental shrub.

Planting the Bottlebrush

Since a bottlebrush does not tolerate freezing temperatures, you should plant the charming ornamental shrub in a large container if you live in a region with cold winters.

Plant the bottlebrush in a pot with at least 8 gallons (30 liters) of volume, as growth heights of up to 10 ft (3 m) are not uncommon.

As a substrate, we recommend high-quality potted plant soil, optimized with expanded clay, crushed lava rock, or fine chippings. This inorganic material is also suitable to prevent harmful waterlogging as drainage above the water drainage.

This is how the planting procedure runs smoothly:

  • Above the drainage, fill the bucket to half its height with the recommended substrate.
  • Press a hollow into it with your hand to insert the potted bottlebrush.
  • Precisely maintain the previous planting depth.

After the soil is pressed on and watered, the stressed bottlebrush dwells best in a semi-shaded location for a few days at first for regeneration.

Care Tips

The care protocol for a bottlebrush includes the following points:

  • Fertilize with liquid every 10-14 days from March to September.
  • Keep the root ball constantly moist without causing waterlogging.
  • Consistently clean out wilted flowers.
  • After the autumn blooming period, prune more vigorously if necessary.

If a bottlebrush has spent the summer on a sunny balcony, it should be moved to winter quarters in good time before the first frost. In a bright, cool place with temperatures around 54 °F (12 °C) the floral magician rests from its three-flowering spectacle.

Under the warmer conditions of a heated conservatory, you can even expect a fourth bloom. However, this feat will be at the expense of its lifespan. In this case, do not perform topiary and maintenance pruning until February.

Which Location is Suitable for the Bottlebrush?

As a sun worshipper, it cannot be sunny enough for bottlebrushes. Therefore, place the tub in a bright and warm location.

The summer location on the balcony should be protected from the wind so that the striking flowers do not appear disheveled.

The ornamental shrub will indignantly skip the triple flowering spurt if it has to be content with a semi-shaded location.

What Soil Does the Bottlebrush Need?

When choosing a substrate it is not appropriate to be thrifty. Reach for a pot plant soil of the best quality, because it is structurally stable and permeable at the same time.

Ideally, add a few handfuls of expanded clay, quartz sand, or lava granules. For improved stability on the balcony, mix in some nutrient-rich garden soil.

When is Flowering Time for Bottlebrushes?

The exotic bottlebrush delights us up to four times a year with its furious bloom. Cultivated on the terrace or balcony, the charming spikey flowers present themselves in May, July, and September.

Proud owners of a conservatory are treated to another blooming season in February. The basic prerequisite for this feat is the consistent pruning of withered inflorescences.

Pruning Bottlebrushes Properly

Proper pruning of evergreen ornamental shrubs often causes headaches for gardeners. How fortunate that the bottlebrush is so tolerant of pruning and is good-naturedly forgiving of a beginner’s mistake or two.

This is how to prune the ornamental plant correctly:

  • Immediately clean out wilted flowers for a long blooming period.
  • Place the scissors just below the wilted flower with each cut.
  • If necessary, prune back hard immediately after the autumn flowering period.
  • Combine topiary and maintenance pruning with thorough thinning of dead shoots.

Since a Callistemon blooms up to four times a year, proper pruning admittedly requires a certain amount of time. However, your efforts will be rewarded with a permanently branching ornamental shrub that is hard to beat for attractiveness.

Watering the Bottlebrush

The water balance of a bottlebrush is at a high level. The root ball must not dry out at any time.

If the bottlebrush comes under drought stress, the abundance of flowers will suffer and the leaves will dry out.

To prevent this from happening, check the surface of the substrate daily. If the top inch (2 cm) has dried out, there is a need for watering.

It is advantageous to water the ornamental shrub with soft water. Empty the water collected in the saucer after 20 minutes at the latest.

Fertilizing the Bottlebrush Properly

To produce its opulent array of flowers and foliage, a Callistemon requires an adequate supply of nutrients.

Here’s how to handle it properly:

  • Apply a complete liquid fertilizer every 10-14 days from March through September.
  • Optionally, apply a slow-release fertilizer in March and June.

The administration of organic fertilizer is less recommended for bottlebrushes due to the delayed effect.

Overwintering the Bottlebrush

Native to sunny Australia, a Callistemon does not know winter weather conditions.

Since it can only tolerate temperatures around the freezing point for a short time, the ornamental shrub needs to relocate to the house, conservatory, or greenhouse in September/October in cold regions.

This is how the tropical beauty survives the cold season:

  • The winter quarters should be bright and cool, with temperatures around 54 °F (12 °C).
  • Reduce watering and do not fertilize from September onwards.
  • Carry out pruning before putting the plant in the winter quarters.

Since the bottlebrush is excellent to decorate a winter garden all year round, here the care proceeds in a modified form.

Proportionally to the higher temperatures than in typical winter quarters, there is a greater need for watering. From October to February, the plant should continue to receive a monthly dose of liquid fertilizer.

Since you can now expect a fourth bloom, you should not prune the plant until February.

Propagating Bottlebrushes

To propagate the exotic flowering beauty, we recommend the cutting method.

This is how easy it is to propagate a Callistemon:

  • Cut non-flowering, semi-woody head cuttings with a length of 4-5 inches (10-15 cm).
  • Defoliate in the lower part so that at least one pair of leaves remains.
  • Fill small pots with potting compost to place two-thirds of a cutting in it.
  • After watering, put a transparent cover over it.

In a semi-shaded location at an average of 68 °F (20 °C), rooting takes about 6 to 8 weeks.

After that, you can transplant your cuttings into a larger container, so that from now on you can care for them like adult bottlebrushes.

Is the Bottlebrush Poisonous?

The bottlebrush is the ideal ornamental shrub for the family garden. Since all parts of the plant are completely non-toxic, a Callistemon poses no health risk to humans or animals.

Beautiful Varieties

  • Crimson bottlebrush ‘Perth Pink’ (Callistemon citrinus): A pink flowering hybrid with reddish tinged, velvety foliage.
  • Crimson bottlebrush ‘Mauve Mist’ (Callistemon citrinus): A gorgeous cultivar with pinkish-purple flowers and robust pruning tolerance.
  • Lemon bottlebrush (Callistemon pallidus): This Callistemon convinces with its scarlet flowers and lemony fragrance.