About Gardening Champion

Gardening Champion is all about making you a gardening champion! Everybody loves beautiful flowers and plants, but not everybody knows how to grow them. We want to be your guide to successful gardening so that you can enjoy the beauty of self-grown plants and flowers.

Hi, I am Daniel, and I am the owner of Gardening Champion. I started gardening already in my early years. My youth room was full of plants, and already back then it seemed that I had a green thumb.

And with success came an interest in learning more about how plants work and how to successfully grow and raise them. That’s why I also started my career in the field of botany.

And I still enjoy taking care of my plants in my private life, whether it’s the houseplants in the house, the greening of the patio and garden, or our weekend garden where we spend a lot of time with the family.

There is nothing more beautiful than to experience how a small seed or seedling becomes a magnificent, stately and healthy plant.

It’s always like a miracle, but really it’s just the application of knowledge. And it is this knowledge that we at Gardening Champion would like to pass on to you so that you too can be successful.

We hope that we can achieve this goal with our little project and give you not only the joy of plants, but also the knowledge of how to grow them.

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Daniel Popovic, Owner: (Registered business address: Germany), would like to process personal data with external services. This is not necessary for using the website, but allows me to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: